
Friday, June 27

*Summer Legs*

Now that summer is finally here, with that comes getting a pedicure 2 to 4 times a month and exfoliating my legs more often.  Since I've been asked if I exercise or dance several times because of how defined my legs look, I decided to share my tips on how do I get my legs ready when I wear dresses or skirts.  

Now to the good part... listed below are the products I use, however, there are budget friendly alternatives out there that might work for you if you can't afford these.  If I'm going to be wearing skirts or dresses, I shave every other day.

Once in the shower...

  • Shaving: I use Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream ($4) with Gillette Mach 3 ($10-$25) which can be found in most drug stores and supermarkets.  I have used other shaving creams and shavers, but they do not work as good as these for me.
Note: This product will leave residue on your clothes, so this is why I do this at night before bed.   I allow the product to dry before laying down to make sure it doesn't stain my sheets.  If you do this right before heading out, you will notice that the color is not as intense and might not be dry enough.

On the days when I'm not wearing dresses or skirts, I just use unscented lotion for dry skin or jojoba oil on my legs.  I have tried so many lotions since I have extra dry skin, and the only one that have worked is Dermasil which it was one of those dollar discoveries. My first thought was that since it is cheap it wasn't going to work, but to my surprise it did and I'm happy with it.  

If you use any other products to get "summer" ready legs, share them below, I would love to try something new and see if it gives me the same results.  Until then, keep those legs looking fabulous!
Cheers...and always beautify ur life.
 (Credit 1, 2)