
Thursday, December 9

*A True Celebrity Make-up Artist*

I personally love Make-up, however, applying foundation is the biggest challenge yet to date.  That probably would be something that I might need a one on one training with a Make-up artist.  I do like some of You Tube's Make-up Guru's, however, in my opinion, there's no one out there like Alexis Vogel.  I don't care how talented all the others are, how many tricks and flips they do to their lashes, Alexis has been in the business for over 20 years.  In my eyes, if you're a Make-up artist, I want to see what you're about and most of the ones out there don't even have a portfolio and claim they work with celebrities.  Here are some of Alexis Vogel's creations, a true celebrity Make-up artist. 
(Pictures from Alexis Vogel's website) 

"Nothing makes me feel so happy than to give someone
the power and confidence they didn't know they had."

- Alexis Vogel