
Thursday, August 5

*Dear Queen Betsy*

Ever since I heard of the UNDEAD series by Mary Janice Davidson (pic below), I've been fascinated.  This series is about a character called Elizabeth Taylor AKA Betsy in which she gets killed by an SUV, comes back to life to find out she's a vampire in which she then marries Sinclair and makes him her husband making him the King of Vampires... Uff, that was typed without blinking or catching my breath...

Picture from google
I'm currently listening to Book 9 and Yes, I'm loving it.  Like in every book, we go through the ups and down and the why this and that, but I don't want this series to end: EVER!

Queen Betsy loves her shoes, the difference is that she can afford them at any price, I have a budget...but still get cute ones... I do recommend this series and also her other books... Enjoy!!! :-)

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